Train like an Olympian!
Training Program Instruction

Elite Program
This training program is specifically taylored to skaters in the Advance Novice, Junior & Senior Level. Program consists of training drills, skating skill exercises, jump exercises, spin training regime and much more. Program is offered as a 3 day or 5 day per week program.
2 hours 30 mins per day
Competitive Program
This training program is catered specifically to skaters from the Preliminary to Intermediate Novice Level. Program consists of training drills, skating skill exercises, jump exercises, spin training regime and much more. Program is offered as a 3 day or 5 day per week program.
2 hours per day

Development Program
This training program is for skaters who have just started their very first step of the Olympic journey. This program is ideal for skaters who are beginners up to the Elementary level. Program consists of basic training drills, strong skating skill exercises, all focused on building a strong basics for skating. Program is offered as a 3 day or 5 day per week program.
1 hour 30 mins per day